
11月8日th is 全国第一代大学生日. 在大都会州内 大学,在 59% 皇冠官网网站的学生人数是 F首先,Generation. 第一代计划 程序 CMEI 纪念 First -Generation students who 是 paving the way for their families and friends. 


11月8日th, colleges and universities across the country recognize F首先,Generation students, 教职员工. 这 date commemorates the day Congress approved the Higher Education Act (HEA) in 1965. 的 HEA legislation made critical investments in institutions and funded programs to increase the access, 保留, 第一代毕业, 来自低收入家庭的学生. 

密歇根州立大学丹佛 defines a F首先,Generation college student as a student who comes from a family where neither of their p是nts/guardians obtained a four-year 学位. Additionally, students whose siblings went to college 是 classified as F首先,Generation.  

在全国第一代日期间, 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 第一代计划 程序 will facilitate programs and events that highlight the aw是ness of F首先,Generation students, 工作人员, 和老师. 社区将会了解, 但不限于 Imposter Syndrome and strategize ways to overcome it; the needs of F首先,Generation students on 密歇根州立大学丹佛 campus; how F首先,Generation 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Alumnae navigated their college experience; and the transition they experienced into the workplace. 




"第一代荣誉勋章" 是 described as honors cords because it is truly a sign of honor to be F首先,Generation. You not only overcame obstacles before and during school, but you 是 a role model to all those in your family and community who 是 looking to you as the trail blazer to a new life. 的se cords 是 given to graduating students as they beg在 road to their successful futures. 祝贺你!

For information regarding the F首先,Generation Honor Cords and the F首先,Generation Ceremony, 点击下面的链接.


